
  • Sena, N., Veiga, A., Semedo, A., Abu-Raya, M., Semedo, R., Fujii, I., & Makino, M. (2023). Co-Designing Protected Areas Management with Small Island Developing States’ Local Stakeholders: A Case from Coastal Communities of Cabo Verde. Sustainability, 15(20), 15178.
  • Fujii, I., Okochi, Y., Kawamura, H., & Makino, M. (2023). Potential cooperation of RFMOs for the integrity of MCS: Lessons from the three RFMOs in the Asia-Pacific. Marine Policy, 155, 105748. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105748
  • Matsubara, H., Makino, M. Gender research in Japanese coastal fisheries. Maritime Studies 22, 44 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40152-023-00330-4 
  • Toyoshima, J., Fujii, I., Maekawa, M., Tsunoda, T., Kamada, N., Hidaka, H., ... & Ikeda, K. (2022). Assessing effectiveness of satoumi activities in Japanese coastal areas from ecological and socioeconomic perspectives. Ocean & Coastal Management, 230, 106354. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2022.106354
  • Fujii, I., Maekawa, M., Shimizu, N., Kanda, N., Mikuni, N., Suzuki, K., ... & Vierros, M. K. (2022). Implications of existing capacity building efforts for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction: A case study of Japan. Marine Policy, 138, 105004. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105004
  • Fujii, I., Okochi, Y., & Kawamura, H. (2021). Promoting cooperation of monitoring, control, and surveillance of IUU fishing in the Asia-Pacific. Sustainability, 13(18), 10231. https://doi.org/10.3390/su131810231
  • Tanaka, H., Shiba, N., Huang, M. (2021) “Disaster Impact Assessment and Vulnerability Index (VI) of a Tsunami: An Approach using Geographic Information System (GIS) and General Equilibrium for Mie Prefecture, Japan”, Integrated Disaster Risk Management Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 1, https://doi.org/10.5595/001c.28384
  • Shiba N., Wu H., Huang M., Tanaka H. (2021) "How blue financing can sustain ocean conservation and development: A proposed conceptual framework for blue financing mechanism", Marine Policy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104575.
  • Tanaka, H. & Huang, M. (2021) “Impact assessment and a fiscal recovery policy for tsunami risk: GIS and the general equilibrium approach in Hakodate city, Japan”, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, Vol 48, Issue 5, 2021, pp. 1144–1160, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F2399808320977865
  • Tanaka, H. & Huang, M. (2020) “The Impact Assessment and Resilience toward Tsunami Risk: A Recursive General Equilibrium Analysis on Hakodate City”, In Climate Change and Disaster Management Law and Policy, 1-17.
  • Tanaka, H. & Huang, M. (2020) “Policy simulation of 6th industrialization subsidy using dynamic general equilibrium model: Case of Hakodate city, Hokkaido”, Ocean Policy Studies. (In Japanese)


  • H. Matsubara, M. Makino, 2024 2nd Marine Socio-Ecological Systems Symposium, "Synergies between Gender Equality and Sustainability in Coastal Fisheries Resource Use: Case Study of Malaita Province, Solomon Islands". (June 7th, 2024)
  • H. Matsubara, The Regional Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming in Fisheries in Southeast Asia, “Women in Fisheries Cooperation in Japan”. (October 9th, 2024)
  • H. Matsubara, M. Makino, North Pacific Marine Science Organization 2024 Annual Meeting, "Synergies between Gender Equality and Sustainability in Coastal Fisheries Resource Use: Case Studies in Japan", (Best Poster Presentation Award by Human Dimension Committee), Poster Presentation. (October 31st, 2024) 
  • 松原花,牧野光琢「女性の漁船漁業就業による地域漁業の持続可能性への影響 -国内2事例の比較-」地域漁業学会第66回大会. 2024年11月10日


  • H. Matsubara, M. Makino, North Pacific Marine Science Organization 2023 Annual Meeting, "Synergies between Gender Equality and Sustainability in Coastal Fisheries Resource Use". (October 26th, 2023)
  • I. Fujii, Y., M. Makino, North Pacific Marine Science Organization 2023 Annual Meeting, "The governance systems different, but common biological diversity and challenges: exploring potential cooperation of MPAs using Japan, the Philippines, and Palau as case studies". (October 26th, 2023)
  • H. Matsubara, M. Makino, North Pacific Marine Science Organization 2023 Annual Meeting, "Synergies between Gender Equality and Sustainability in Coastal Fisheries Resource Use", Poster Presentation. (October 26th, 2023)
  • 松原花,牧野光琢「地域水産業における沿岸資源利用の持続可能性とジェンダー平等の相互関係」地域漁業学会第65回大会. 2023年11月4日


  • H. Matsubara, M. Makino, International Conference on Achieving Ocean Equity: Innovative, Fair, Inclusive and Sustainable Strategies and Blue Impact Investments “Consideration of Small-Scale Fisheries and Gender to Achieve Blue Justice -A Case Study of Fisheries Cooperative Associations in Japan” (February 27th, 2023)
  • 松原花,牧野光琢「持続可能かつ公正な水産業に向けたジェンダーの視点:我が国の水産政策文書の分析」日本海洋政策学会 第14回年次大会. 2022.12
  • 松原花,牧野光琢「全国青年・女性漁業者交流大会」報告の時系列分析:報告主体の変化を踏まえた今後の取組みに関する展望」地域漁業学会第64回大会. 2022.11
  • H. Tanaka, R. Takebuchi, R. Kadoi, Y. Sakai, North Pacific Marine Science Organization 2022 Annual Meeting, "Japanese Consumers’ Demand for Traceability Information -Tokyo Bay Fish Passport as a case study-.", (Best Poster Presentation Award by Science Board Symposium) (September 29th, 2022)
  • I. Fujii, Y. Okochi, H. Kawamura, M. Makino, North Pacific Marine Science Organization 2022 Annual Meeting, "Toward the inter-regional cooperation for high seas resource conservation: Implications from the Asia-Pacific region". (September 28th, 2022)
  • H. Matsubara, M. Makino, North Pacific Marine Science Organization 2022 Annual Meeting, "Comparative and historical study of international guideline and policy documents of Japan relevant to Gender Equality in fisheries", (Best Oral Presentation Award by Human Dimension Committee). (September 27th, 2022)
  • N. Sena, M. Makino, North Pacific Marine Science Organization 2022 Annual Meeting, "Identifying the Ocean Decade challenges: A common framework for Small Island Developing States", (Best Oral Presentation Award by Science Board Symposium). (September 26th, 2022)
  • 松原花,牧野光琢 第 69 回大会 漁業経済学会「ジェンダーの視点から見た日本の沿岸漁業に関する文献レビュー:海外の研究動向との比較に基づいた今後の研究課題の提案」,2022年6月12日
  • H. Matsubara, M. Makino, 4th World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress Asia-Pacific "Gender aspects of small-scale fisheries in Japanese coastal areas: Gender-responsive research for achieving sustainability". (May 10th, 2022)
  • PAPAIOS-he 6th International Conference on Economic Structures "The Creation of the Marine-Industry-detailed Input-Output Table: Shimizu-Ward, Shizuoka-Prefecture, Japan as a case study". (Mar,20th, 2022.)


  • 藤井巌,大河内優美,川村一,「地域漁業管理機関による違法・無報告・無規制漁業対策の課題と展望」,日本海洋政策学会第13回年次大会プログラム,東京,日本,2021年12月 
  • I. Fujii, Yumi Okochi, Hajime Kawamura, Promoting Cooperation of Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance of IUU Fishing in the Asia-Pacific, North Pacific Marine Science Organization 2021 Annual Meeting (virtual meeting), October 2021. 
  • 田中元, 環太平洋産業連関分析学会第 32 回(2021年度)全国大会  「地域産業連関表を用いた改正漁業法の経済評価―北海道函館市のイカ関連業を例としてー」 (October,31st, 2021)
  • H. Tanaka, PICES-2021 Annual Meeting. “Economic evaluation of MSY-based fishery policy using Input-Output Table: A case study of squid-related industries in Hakodate City, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan.” (October, 29th, 2021),Kaohsiung University, Taiwan, Chung Hsing University, Taiwan and by Sasakawa Peace Foundation. 2021 International Webinar: Moving toward NetZero Carbon Society in the Post COVID-19 Era: Challenges and Opportunities. “The kelp industry and its effectiveness in blue carbon: Case of Hakodate, Japan”. (October, 13th, 2021)
  • 田中元, 2021年度日本沿岸域学会 研究討論会「改正漁業法の経済評価―北海道函館市のスルメイカ産業を例として―」 (優秀講演賞) (18th, June, 2021 )
  • H. Tanaka, ADBI-OPRI, Virtual Conference on Blue Economy and Blue Finance: Towards Sustainable Development and Ocean Governance."Building Back Better in Small Island Developing States in the Pacific: Initial Insights from the Bind Model of Disaster Risk Management Policy Options in Fiji" (November 30, 2020).
  • H. Tanaka, Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM) Society. IDRiM Virtual Workshop for Interactive Discussions between Senior and Early-Career Scientists. "Tsunami Disaster Impact and Vulnerability Index Assessment: An Approach of GIS and CGE model for Mie Prefecture, Japan" (September 24, 2020).